Secure Shell (ssh) Protocol

Feb 11, 2023

#linux #ssh

OpenSSH is a tool for connecting remote using ssh protocol. Install OpenSSH using your native package manager.


ssh -p 22 user@remote

-p tag is the default port that ssh using. user is your remote username (e.g sanatan) and remote is the ip address of the remote(e.g Accept the fingerprint by typing yes and provide your password to connect the remote. All the remote's public key is stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

Generate key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Give a name ~/.ssh/sanatan_rsa and chose a passphrase or leave it blank. The following command will generate private key sanatan_rsa and public key in the ~/.ssh directory.

Share public key

Create a file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the remote server and manually paste the public key (for our case or you can use

ssh-copy-id sanatan@remote
# or
cat|ssh sanatan@ -T 'cat>>~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Now you can connect the remote

ssh -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/sanatan_rsa sanatan@

This time it will not ask to enter password and you will be connected to remote automatically.


Configure your local ssh configuration file for

Host myhost
    User sanatan
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/sanatan_rsa
    Port 22

Now you can connect by

ssh myhost

Protect remote

First set permission for authorized_keys file on the remote server

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Edit the configuration file

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and disable root login and password authetication

PermitRootLogin     no
PasswordAuthentication no

you can also change the port that ssh listen into

Port 4422

restart the service

sudo systemctl restart sshd


You can additionally set two factor authention to remotely login to the server

sudo apt install  libpam-google-authenticator

scan the QR code into your authenticator app (e.g google authenticator)

Edit ssh for pam module

sudo vim /etc/pam.d/sshd

and add these two lines at the bottom

auth required 
auth required

and comment out

#@include common-auth

Now edit system ssh configuration file

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and do neccessary changes

# ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

and add

AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive

Finally restart the sshd.service

sudo systemctl restart sshd.service


sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
# or
sudo ufw allow from
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status

Additionally, you can use fail2ban for not allowing brute-forcing on the remote server.

Happy ssh :)